Saturday, March 7, 2020

Representative Bart Stupak essays

Representative Bart Stupak essays Many associate the word courage with a comic book or stereotyped Hollywood hero. A larger than life character that somehow survives great destruction, braves great peril, and works against evil often against incredible odds. Most, however, dont understand the true definition of courage is to do what one believes is right, no matter what another says or does. To stand-alone in spite of ridicule, and believe without avail in a cause. The cause does not have to be anything great, and the act of courage does not have to be a grand gesture. A single vote can change the minds of a lot of people. Congressman Bart Stupak of Michigan must understand this definition because he did just that. Despite the voiced opposition of constituents and one of the countys most powerful lobbying arms, he chose to vote for what he believed, and even though his vote ultimately did not carry the day, his voice of courage was carried further into the minds of the populace. Stupak represents Michigans Upper Peninsula in the United States House of Representatives. In the U.P., hunting is a pastime and a part of the heritage. At the start of each hunting season, entire families descend upon forests and fields to engage the chase. They head out well prepared carrying food, water, and a gun to perform the deed. But despite the inherently dangerous nature, young and old are instinctively comfortable using a gun. Children grow up with guns, and it becomes as much a part of the family as the kitchen table. They are taught from a young age to respect its awesome power, and to never abuse its indelible result. They also learn to defend their right to own the gun, believing that the Constitutions Second Amendment guarantees that right. When someone comes along to take their guns away, they naturally respond with outrage. Stupak shares this sentiment. He was raised in the Upper Peninsula and now lives in Menominee, a small city on ...

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